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What do I need to begin playing?Gear, guns, ammo and plenty of water.
What type of bbs are we allowed to use?BIO BBs only! NO SILVER OR METAL BBS ARE ALLOWED!
How many airsoft guns can we bring with us on the field?How many can you carry?
Can I play just using wearing a balaclava and goggles?Ballistic military approved goggles (ANZI Z87.1) are a MUST! You should wear hard protection for your face and consider protecting your ears. Please NO SHOOTING glasses
Do I need a team to come and play?No! All players are welcome.
Does it hurt?Sometimes. Its not pain you feel, just your pride.
How do I set up a private game/party?Call us and we'll talk about it. Contact us:
Can I use my fake knife/bayonet for knife kills?NEVER use real knives in any games!
Can my team play together or can I play with my friends?We pick teams at the field and your group is welcome to stay together as long as the teams are balanced.
Can I use my laser?Never!
Can I bring airsoft smoke grenades or pyrotechnics?Cold Smoke Only, Pyro must be approved before using.
Can I bring paint grenades?NO!
Do you play if it rains or snows?Hell yes, Rain, Shine and Snow.
Do you offer rentals?Yes. We have a limited rentals available. Please contact us at:
What is blind fire?If you’re not looking directly at your target in any manner is called blind fire. NO PREY AND SPRAY.
Should I buy and will I be able to use my sniper certification at any Airsoft field?No. Never use or buy any type of illegal firearms license.
What is age verification or do I need to be age verified?No, age verification is NOT legally required in Canada.
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